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How do I book?

Booking is recommended prior to the class because of limited space and booking ahead will ensure you have a spot.  Please go here to book in for your drop in or buy a class pass of 8 or 5 classes.


What do I wear?

Loose comfortable clothing or yoga leggings and top to ensure freedom of movement. You will be barefoot during the class.


What do I need for class?

Please have a yoga mat, you can purchase one for as little as £10 and up to £100. Bring a small towel and have some water handy in case you need it.


What if I’m not very flexible?

If you want to improve your flexibility, mobility and strength, a regular yoga practice is one of the best ways to help you achieve this. Be patient with yourself, it’s a practise and your body will be more flexible over time.


Should I eat or drink before I come to class?

I recommend refraining from eating for at least 1-2 hours before a class. However, for an energy boost you can have a banana or some peanut butter and honey balls. Just add 2 teaspoons of honey to a teaspoon of peanut butter.


I am new to yoga, I have never done this before. Can I still come?

Yes, 100%. Yoga is for everyone regardless of your age and size.


Can I buy a gift voucher for your classes for a friend/family member?

Yes please contact me to find out more.


If I miss a class can I get a refund or transfer class?

Members will be charged for a session where a cancellation or the rescheduling of a session is not made online at least 8 hours prior to the start of the class. 


What if I am injured/ have a health issue?

Yoga can be beneficial for many injuries, however please let me know prior to booking in for a class so we can determine the suitability of the class for you. It would also be recommended to speak with your GP, doctor or health care professional and bringing a letter with to say you are fit to practice. Class poses can be adjusted to your needs in most cases.

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